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Waking the Wise Woman Circle

For women over 50

Held each week in Mannum SA from 11am - 1pm


Informal and friendly, we meet once a week to chat about the changes that occur with our journey into the stage of Maga


Laugh, cry, discuss, share, learn and maybe even dance!


Meet and connect with women in your community


Learn strategies and tips to assist you to accept, empower and embrace your ever changing body, emotions and mind


Work with the cycles of the moon to manifest changes and dreams


HOW MUCH: By donation, pop what you can in the box to help cover costs - tea and coffee provided


The Hearth


A women's circle where we dive into fun topics such as oracle cards, intuition, spells, herbs, crystals and other magical topics. A joyful journey of all things woo woo.


Deb C.

For the first time in my life I feel like I've found my place.

I'm now in a group of women who all have had vastly different life experiences, who're so wise, supportive and strong.

Through conversation, laughter and acceptance, I am becoming stronger each week and feeling able to be the wise woman I know I can be. I am truly thankful.

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